Spotlight: Jeannine Quinn Urges Fellow Patients to Advocate For Their Care Jeannine Quinn has always maintained an active lifestyle; from bodybuilding to ballroom dancing, she loves to move. She considers herself to be very in-tune with her body and is acutely aware...
Catherine McBride Shares Her Husband’s Experience with Pancreatic Cancer and The Increased Risk Faced by Firefighters By Victoria Izzio-Meloche Les’s Journey Leslie McBride first experienced symptoms of pancreatic cancer in May 2018. As Captain of the...
Arax Copeman Honours Her Mother’s Tenacious Spirit Through Charity and Peer Support by Victoria Izzio-Meloche When Arax Copeman’s mother, Lucy, was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in 2018, they were told she would have a year to live, yet their hope never...
What you Need to Know About Wills in 40 Minutes On Demand Webinar With so much to consider, we know creating or updating your will can be a daunting task. That’s why we asked Certified Executor Advisor Walter Viner to share some important advice with our...
Every year the small but mighty and determined 7 Days In May group cycles around Lake Ontario to raise awareness and funds for critical pancreatic cancer research. New to this year’s event was the Ernst & Young 50KM Challenge; a one-day ride for novice cyclists...
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