Legacy Giving
“The great use of life is to spend it for something that will outlast it.” – William James
Supporting Pancreatic Cancer Canada with a planned gift is a thoughtful and generous way to help improve survival rates for this deadly disease.
With a survival rate of only 10%, we have lost far too many people, far too quickly. It is only through investments in innovative research and increased awareness that we will change the status quo. By remembering Pancreatic Cancer Canada in your will, your legacy will help change lives.

There are so many benefits to becoming a legacy donor, for you and your estate. These flexible ways to give do not substantially affect your current income, offer tax credits, and give you peace of mind that your legacy will have an impact long into the future.
To discuss your wishes or for more information, please contact info@pancreaticcancercanada.ca or call 1-888-726-2269.
Gifts in Wills and Estates
Making a gift in your will is simple and allows you to retain control of your assets. You can bequeath cash, securities, property or even a percentage of your estate. Your estate will receive a charitable tax receipt that can decrease (or even eliminate) estate taxes.
Learn more about estate planning.
As you consider making a planned gift, you may wish to have a conversation with your family and talk with your lawyer about creating or updating your will. Please also contact us if you are making a planned gift. We can help you determine the best way to leave the legacy and would also love the opportunity to thank you. We will respect your privacy and confidentiality.
Sample wording:
“I direct my trustees to deliver, pay or transfer $, % (or name of asset) to Pancreatic Cancer Canada (Charitable Registration Number: 84870 1967 RR0001) for the purpose of supporting the organization’s highest priority needs.”
Full legal name:
Pancreatic Cancer Canada
Address: 316-4211 Yonge Street, Toronto, Ontario, M2P 2A9Charitable Registration Number: 84870 1967 RR000
Other Types of Planned Gifts
In May 2006, the Federal government eliminated the capital gains tax on gifts of securities to registered charitable organizations. By donating securities directly to Pancreatic Cancer Canada, you avoid capital gains tax and are eligible for a tax receipt for the fair market value of your gift.
There are three steps to make a gift of securities to Pancreatic Cancer Canada:
- Speak to your financial advisor to determine which investments will make the most philanthropic and financial impact to you.
- Complete the transfer form and instruct your broker to transfer your securities directly to Pancreatic Cancer Canada. Send a copy of the signed form to us, allowing us to track your generous gift and to inform our bank.
- Upon receipt of the transferred securities to Pancreatic Cancer Canada’s brokerage account, we will issue a charitable receipt based on the closing market value of the shares on the day they are received in our account.
Download the Securities Transfer Form or contact us at info@pancreaticcancercanada.ca to get started.

Life Insurance
- Make a large gift in the future with a small amount today.
- Can be set up to provide tax benefits now and during your lifetime.
- Two ways to give, each with advantages, that your financial planner can advise you on:
- Make Pancreatic Cancer Canada the owner and beneficiary of a new or existing life insurance policy.
- Name Pancreatic Cancer Canada as a beneficiary of a new or existing policy.
- Not subject to probate and estate fees.
- Name Pancreatic Cancer Canada as a direct beneficiary for your RRSP, RRIF or Canada Pension assets and receive tax benefits.
- Choose a specific amount or a percentage of your RRSP or RRIF.
- Speak with your financial institution to add Pancreatic Cancer Canada directly on your plan documents.
- Contact Pancreatic Cancer Canada to inform us of your gift.
For a confidential discussion about including Pancreatic Cancer Canada in your will or other planned giving options, please contact info@pancreaticcancercanada.ca or call 1-888-726-2269.

316-4211 Yonge Street
Toronto, ON M2P 2A9
Toll Free: 1-888-726-2269
Charitable Registration Number 84870 1967 RR0001