Where Our Story Begins… Introducing Connor and Jen
Thursday, July 18, 2024
We are grateful to be sharing the lived experience of Connor and Jen who have documented their personal journey with pancreatic cancer to help other families cope with the challenges of this disease. Their story began at the end of 2021, until his passing on October 10, 2024. Although it has been a tough journey, it has been filled with many memories and experiences, and they hope to give some guidance and hope to those diagnosed unexpectedly at a young age.
This blog article is a first in a series of content pieces written by these remarkable people.

In the emergency room, an additional CT scan was done, showing that the initial findings had progressed. Tumour markers (from blood tests) which were only slightly elevated in January were now significantly elevated, indicative of pancreatic adenocarcinoma. Additionally, nodes in the peritoneum (in not so medical terms, the sack that holds the GI organs), which were thought to be inflammatory in nature on earlier scans, had spread. As the pancreas biopsies were not confirmatory, a decision was made to biopsy the nodes.

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To carry on his legacy of selflessly helping others, we are proud to announce the Connor Page Fund for Improved Access to Clinical Trials. This Fund will allow his family to share, as he so aptly called it, Connor’s “Playbook” for navigating clinical trials and provide support to Canadians for years to come.
We graciously ask, if you are able, that you consider donating to this cause and join us in remembering this remarkable husband, father and patient advocate.
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