Our Blog
Spotlight: Jeannine Quinn Urges Fellow Patients To Advocate For Their Care
Spotlight: Jeannine Quinn Urges Fellow Patients to Advocate For Their CareJeannine Quinn has...
read moreCatherine McBride Shares Her Husband’s Experience with Pancreatic Cancer and The Increased Risk Faced by Firefighters
Catherine McBride Shares Her Husband’s Experience with Pancreatic Cancer and The Increased Risk...
read moreRichard Dri: Retirement Planning for Widows and Widowers
Retirement Advice for Widows and Widowers The death of my wife Mary meant the loss of my...
read moreKinwood: Recording Your Legacy
Documenting Your Legacy by Kinwood: The Celebration of Life Co. Looking back, accomplishments in...
read moreSIIP Chapter Seven: Prognosis
Chapter Seven: PrognosisThursday, June 30, 2022 A couple weeks ago I had my radiation...
read moreRichard Dri: Their mom died. Who will take care of our kids if I do too?
Their mom died. Who will take care of our kids if I do too?As a recent widower, I was worried...
read moreSpotlight: Arax Copeman Honours Her Mother’s Tenacious Spirit
Arax Copeman Honours Her Mother's Tenacious Spirit Through Charity and Peer Support by Victoria...
read moreThe Stage II Project
PCC Chief Executive Officer, Michelle Capobianco, shares her experience with stage II thyroid cancer alongside the experiences of stage II pancreatic cancer patients, raising awareness for the vast difference between a highly treatable cancer and the world’s toughest.
Moving Forward – Richard Dri
After losing his wife to cancer, financial planner Richard Dri began using his professional expertise to help widows and widowers plan for the future and find financial security. We are pleased to share this series of articles by Richard to provide some direction to those who have lost a partner to this devastating disease.
Victoria Izzio-Meloche
Digital Communications Specialist
416-548-8077 ext 1012

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