April 2020
Pancreatic cancer doesn’t stop…neither do we.
It is very hard to see the news right now. Things feel uncertain and unnerving, leaving us to grapple with what will come next. For so many of you and your loved ones, this is not the only desperate time you find yourself in. Pancreatic cancer and its devastating impact certainly does not halt for other moments of crisis. But we want you to know this: neither does Pancreatic Cancer Canada.
Over the past four years, we have been diligently building our infrastructure and making sound financial plans that ensure these gusts of wind won’t ever blow us down. You see, it has not and never will be an option for us to stop being right here for all of you, no matter what the world throws against us. This is a responsibility we take to heart and to our financial management.
Our PCC staff are hard at work with our donors and community supporters to ensure we keep building towards a future with better survival rates. We are maintaining our funding commitments through 2020 to the research and programs that are so critical to our pancreatic cancer community. Here is a look at what you can keep relying on:
Our research investments are still in progress. In late 2019 we began a three-year commitment to two new pancreatic cancer clinical trials. These trials are in the process of laying the groundwork for the hands-on research to begin – signing agreements, receiving approvals, and recruiting participating hospitals across the country – which means that right now our research investments and collaborations are in no way delayed, postponed or cancelled. Instead, this time will be spent exactly as planned: preparing for the enrollment of patients to these trials later this year to continue our mission of raising the rate of pancreatic cancer survival.
Our specialized services – which are now more critical than ever – also continue to support our community. Whether you need to consult our Ask A Doctor service with questions about pancreatic cancer or reach out to our Peer Support program for someone to talk to who understands what you’re going through, our services are still free and accessible wherever you are.
The support of Pancreatic Cancer Canada in keeping the fight strong has never been more needed than it is right now. In fact, we will be called upon to do more as we see large funding bodies and government agencies re-prioritizing. During the best of times, pancreatic cancer receives a mere 2% of all cancer funding. That is why our consistent, focused dedication solely to pancreatic cancer is more important than ever. So too, is your continued support.
We know that many of you are looking for suggestions on how to stay involved with us and we are working on safe and creative ways you can support research and services during this time of physical distancing. Whether you complete a solo fitness challenge or turn family game night into a way to support PCC, we have lots of great ideas and are happy to brainstorm others with you. Learn more.
Our commitment to you, our community, is as strong as it has ever been. Please rest assured that in this uncertain time, you can most certainly count on us to remain squarely by your side.

Michelle Capobianco
Chief Executive Officer

March 2020
We are here when you need us.
Over the last few weeks we, along with all Canadians and people around the world, have experienced the effects of the COVID-19 outbreak and the significant ways it has impacted day to day life. As we adapt to a new normal, it is easy and understandable to feel unmoored in these extraordinary times. This is particularly true for the pancreatic cancer community whose isolation is in many cases amplified by the necessary implementation of social distancing measures. To everyone in our community who is adjusting, adapting or struggling, we want you to know you are not alone.
While our physical office is closed until further notice, our staff are all working remotely: we are answering the phones, replying to emails and continuing our critical efforts to raise the rate of pancreatic cancer survival and provide urgent support services. We are committed to continuing our specialized programs for those feeling greater loneliness, confusion and fear because of this disease and now the threat of the COVID-19 pandemic. All of our programs are still running, open to new participants and are accessible from the comfort of your home.
- Pancreatic Cancer Peer Support Program connects you over the phone or via video chat to connect with a peer who has had personal experience with pancreatic cancer and is trained to listen, guide and support you;
- Ask A Doctor is still accepting questions via email about everything to do with pancreatic cancer symptoms, treatment and care; and
- Our private Facebook group provides a forum for you to securely and candidly share your experience, while connecting with others who can relate.
The safety and wellbeing of our community is vitally important to us and thus we have made the decision to postpone/reschedule a number of our fundraising events. If you have an event planned in the near future, please contact us to discuss ways it can be made virtual, postponed or altered in some way to accommodate the situation we are all living in. As you well know, the needs of our community have not stopped and in many ways are growing as both patients and caregivers suffer from not being able to get the “in person” support they so relied on while caring for themselves and a loved one.
We hear every day from people wondering how they can help and what can be done to ensure that our community has all of the support that it needs. Please continue to reach out – we have lots of ideas and we know you do too! Please consider a donation to keep vital research and support services moving forward. Whether you consider becoming a monthly donor, making a gift in honour of a loved one instead of sending a birthday present, or choose to give what would have been the cost of your coffees if you were working in the office this week, a little bit can go a long way. Now, more than ever, we need your help.
The situation with COVID-19 is rapidly evolving, often it feels like several times a day. We encourage you to follow the guidance of trusted resources such as Health Canada, the World Health Organization and the U.S. Centre for Disease Control. We are here for you too. Please reach out to us by calling us at 1-888-726-2229, by email at info@pccf.ca, on social media and by visiting our website.
In times of crisis we must lean on each other. Please remember you can lean on us. We will get through this together.

Michelle Capobianco
Chief Executive Officer

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